Human Resources is arguably one of the most important departments any company could have. It deals with the welfare and current status of employees across the business, keeping all the paperwork in check and making sure everyone has somewhere to go if they have any problems.
Whether it’s recruiting new staff, training current members of the team, managing a dispute or providing performance reviews – those who work in human resources will generally be involved. Every large company – and a lot of SMEs too – has a human resources department.
Here’s why it’s important to get it right – particularly in Dubai.
The United Arab Emirates is an incredibly unique country when it comes to its workforce. Only around 11.3 per cent of the population are UAE nationals, the rest being made up of expats from around the world – mostly from nations such as India, Pakistan and Bangladesh.
So the majority of people working, or looking to work in Dubai, are foreign nationals. As mentioned, the HR department is responsible for the recruitment and processing of new employees, so they need to be well-qualified as to deal with all the complications that come with hiring expats.
Usually the company will sponsor new employees so they can obtain a visa, and there’s a lot of paperwork involved in that. Staff in the department need to know how the process works inside and out, otherwise something could go wrong and the whole thing could be called off.
Because the recruitment of new staff is such a complicated procedure, a good HR department will ensure that current employees are of the highest possible quality. This means constantly offering them training so that they can improve their skills and further benefit the company.
According to a study by Oxford Economics, almost half (43 per cent) of employees in the UAE claim to be worried that they will not be able to keep up with the evolving nature of their current job. So the importance of helping these people is quite clear.
The economy in Dubai, as well as the rest of the UAE, continues to grow and is becoming more noticeable around the world. In order to continue this trend, it is important that businesses are equipped with plenty of highly-skilled, well-trained staff.
If you’d like to learn more about HR in Dubai, then get in touch with Mackenzie Jones today and we’ll do our best to advise you. Or, if you’re looking for HR jobs listings, check out this page to see what is currently being offered.