Slippery slides, monkey bars, crawling through waterlogged pipes, swinging off high platforms on a rope like Tarzan… All in a day’s work for the MJWarriorsDXB!
Friday saw David Mackenzie, Louise Karim & Matty Hayfield take on the Desert Warrior Challenge, completing 22 obstacles on a 10km course in the middle of the desert in 1hr 32mins!
We needed to ensure a steady start to maintain stamina and strength in the 35 degree dry heat. After dragging around 25kg sandbags, running up sand hills and climbing up and down a rope net, we quickly learned that the water stops were not just to rehydrate but were also great to cool down with by pouring ice cold water down the back of our necks. As soon as we did this it was as though a new lease of life had been injected into us and we were able to soldier on to the coming obstacles.
We made sure that we stuck together as a team right the way through the course, helping each other with the obstacles and having a laugh and a joke to keep our spirits up in what were not the most pleasant of running conditions. All in all a great start to the MJWarriorsDXB events season. Next up is David’s Iron Man competition, followed by the Standard Chartered Marathon, Spartan and Sandstorm. If you would like to get involved in any of our MJWarriorsDXB adventures then please do not hesitate to contact us but remember “No Pain No Gain”